Main: 916-684-7903
Preschool: 916-691-4825

Preschool Elk Grove

We have various programs based on the age of your child at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School.

SEAS Elk Grove - St. Elizabeth Catholic School Welcome to Preschool

We have various programs based on the age of your child.

  • 2 days a week for 3 year olds.
  • 3 days a week for 4 year olds
  • 5 days a week for 4/5 year olds.

The children start the day with exploratory classroom play then move into circle time. Circle time consist of a variety of activities: Prayer, story time, dance and movement, zoo phonics, hand-writing without tears, and calendar for counting.

Table activities reinforce the theme of the week. A healthy snack is provided every day. Recess on our playground promotes large motor skills. Day ends with a final circle time. Each week our music director leads the children in rhythm and songs that expand upon our religious curriculum and on various science themes.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Seal What Makes Us Special

Our goal is to ensure that your child’s first school experiences are filled with love, laughter and learning. Just as we strive to build a close relationship with each of our students, we will seek to form a close relationship with parents or guardians.

We believe that parents, as primary educators, are most familiar with the unique needs of their children and that we can best serve your child by obtaining your insight into your children’s needs.

We use a play-based approach to learning. We focus on both child-initiated and teacher supported learning activities. We aspire to create a developmentally appropriate classroom that builds on your child’s natural curiosity.

Our program is based on the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Framework which focuses on children’s cognitive, speech and language, social- emotional, and physical development.

Spiritual growth comes from learning about virtues and prayers. Our teachers are committed to nurturing individual growth and to develop a life-long love for learning in each child.

Discover Our Preschool Program

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Preschool serves families and children to provide early learning experienes that are safe, positive, and loving.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Seal

Our Class Expectations

We want our preschool experience to prepare your children for success in kindergarten and provide a solid foundation for a lifetime of successful learning.

Little Angels and Busy Bugs Classes St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Seal

Tuesday and Thursday
16 Students, 2 Teachers

Social Development

  • Learn routines and classroom expectations
  • Learn how to interact with other children
  • Learn cooperative play
  • Learn how to clean up after play
  • Learn table etiquette at snack time
  • Self help skills

Fine/Gross Motor Skills

  • Develop and strengthen eye hand coordination
  • Introduce scissor skills
  • Introduction to Handwriting Without Tears
  • Practice skills of balancing, running, climbing and throwing
  • Master a tricycle


  • Exposure to a wide variety of literature
  • Introduction to identifying alphabet
  • Introduction to Zoo Phonics
  • Pre-reading skills and increase vocabulary
  • Develop oral skills through interaction with peers and adults
  • Identify their name


  • Recognize shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)
  • Recognize colors
  • Introduce prewriting skills
  • Introduce matching, sorting and pre-mathmatic  concepts
  • Count to 10
  • Complete age appropriate puzzles

Religion and Music

  • Learn daily prayers
  • Introduction to religion curriculum
  • Sing children songs with Music Instructor

Noah’s Ark and Learning LambsSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Seal

18 Students, 2 Teachers, 1 aide

Social Development

  • Follow classroom expectations and table etiquette
  • Manage transitions
  • Cooperative play with one or more children
  • Cleans up after play
  • Learn to self regulate emotions
  • Develop self help skills

Fine/Gross Motor

  • Develop and Strengthen eye/hand coordination
  • Strengthen scissor skills/ cut simple shapes
  • Develop proper pincer grasp
  • Write name correctly using upper and lower case letters
  • Copy simple shapes
  • Develop skills of balancing, running, hopping, jumping, climbing and throwing
  • Master tricycle skills


  • Exposure to a wide variety of literature
  • Develop oral language skills through interactions with peers and adults
  • Recognize rhyming words
  • Recognize upper and lower case alphabet
  • Recognize beginning phonic sounds (Zoo Phonics)
  • Retells information from story and sequence 3 pic to tell logical story
  • Identify last name and parents name


  • Recognize shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond and octagon)
  • Recognize sizes and positions
  • Develop sorting by color, shape and sizes
  • Recognize colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black, brown, white, pink)
  • Count to 30
  • Recognize numbers 1-20
  • Simple addition using manipulative
  • Write numbers 1-10

Science Focus

  • Introduction to predictions, questions, examining and experiments
  • Learn seasons
  • Learn morning, afternoon and night

Religion and Music

  • Attend Mass with class once a month
  • Learn prayers
  • More depth to religious curriculum
  • Experience group children’s songs with Music Instructor

Rainbow ClassSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Seal

5 days Monday-Friday
20 Students- 2 teachers, 1 aide

Social Development

  • Follows classroom expectations, routines and cleans up after play
  • Manages transitions
  • Interacts easily with one or more children
  • Cooperative play including empathy and inclusion
  • Develops Conflict Resolution through words to resolve conflicts- Seeks adults when needed.
  • Works independently also give problem solving
  • Takes on pretend roles and makes believe with objects

Fine/Gross Motor

  • Master proper pincer grasp for writing and scissor skills for cutting
  • Copies vertical lines, horizontal lines, circle, cross, square, triangle,
  • Correct letter formation to write name and correctly using upper and lower case
  • letters (Hand writing Without Tears)
  • Develop skills of running, balancing, hopping, jumping, climbing, throwing and yoga


  • Exposure to a wide variety of literature and increased vocabulary
  • Relates experiences with some understanding of sequences of events
  • Retells information from story and sequence 6 pic to tell logical story
  • Understands the concept of same and different
  • Identifies rhyming words
  • Matches and identifies upper/lower case
  • Phonemic awareness of all 26 letters (Zoo Phonics)
  • Identify and developing child’s last name
  • Develop pre-reading skills


  • Calendar to learn the days of the week, months of the year, and today’s date
  • Duplicates patterns, can sort by color, shapes and sizes
  • Rote counts to 30 and counts by 5’s and 10’s to 100
  • Counts objects with meaning to 10 and simple addition and subtraction using manipulative
  • Identifies numerals 0-30 by naming, counting and matching
  • Demonstrates concept of positional/directional concepts- up/down, over/under, in/out, inside/outside, off/on, first/last, go/stop, top/bottom.
  • Shows understanding of comparative words- big/little, large/small, short/long, tall/short, slow/fast, empty/full.
  • Identifies 10 colors and shapes
  • Recognize sizes and positions
  • Writes numbers 1-10
  • Introduce the basic Spanish language. Learn simple songs and prayers.

Science Focus

  • Will learn to predict, question, observe, and examine during an experiment.
  • Understand Seasons
  • Understand Senses
  • Understand Morning, Afternoon, Night

Music and Religion

  • Attend Mass with class once a month
  • Learn the purpose of prayer and recite prayers
  • Experience group children’s songs with Music Instructor
  • Experience music and movement
  • Develop more understanding of religion through curriculum

Let's Connect!

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Preschool offers early learning experiences that are positive and filled with love. To learn more about our program and tour our campus, please fill out an Interest Form and help us place your student in the program best suited to their needs. We hope to meet you soon!

Contact Preschool

It all starts with a tour…come visit us at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Preschool and find the program that is best for you and your student! We are a loving environment that supports children in early development.

Come see what makes us special. Schedule your tour today – we can’t wait to meet you!

Mrs. Tammy Babich
Preschool Director
Phone: 916-691-4825
Email: [email protected]

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