Main: 916-684-7903
Preschool: 916-691-4825

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Alumni


“Be but faithful to Him with your whole heart, and never fear. He will support, direct, console, and finally crown your dearest Hope.”


-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

SEAS Elk Grove - St. Elizabeth Catholic School St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Alumni

Welcome to the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Alumni page!

We are celebrating our 25th year as a school community and are organizing our alumni group. On this page you will find information to help us stay in touch and support our school.

  • Please share your contact information with us by filling out the check in form.
  • Mark your calendar for volunteer opportunities and alumni social events.
  • We would love to see our alumni, so stop by and visit our campus!


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Get In Touch

9539 Racquet Court
Elk Grove, CA 95758

(916) 684-7903

Mrs. Lori Brett
[email protected]

School Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:45am - 3:30 pm

Contact Form

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