Our dedicated faculty foster a love for lifelong learning, and support students in achieving their personal best.
All Are Welcome
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School creates a nurturing environment where each student is given the opportunity to grow in faith, knowledge, and character within a Catholic community. Our Philosophy of education is based on the life of Jesus Christ.
In facilitating academic development and encouraging students to strive for their personal best, our dedicated faulty help students foster a love for lifelong learning, and are supported throughout the process of achieving their personal best in academic excellence.
As Catholic educators, we recognize the individuality of each student. Our goal is to prepare students for high school, and to form Christian witnesses who actively live their faith.
The love, involvement, and ongoing support of our parents helps keep the mission of Catholic parochial education alive and strong. Thank you for your trust and your faith in us as partners in co-educating your children.
For the opportunity to teach and inspire the Children of God, we are truly blessed.

New Student Application
I want to give my child the gift of Catholic education!
Application Process
New student applications are accepted online on the school website or in the office throughout the year. Applications are considered incomplete until the all required documentation has been received. Applicants remain on the waiting list throughout the school year for which the application is completed. Parents will be notified by phone or mail regarding acceptance.
Application Interviews, Testing or Screening
An application and assessment process determine acceptance to Kindergarten. For new students who wish to apply to grades one to eight, required documents of current report card, birth certificate, immunizations, and a baptismal certificate (if applicable), must accompany the school application. A school interview with the parent(s) and child may be requested prior to determining acceptance to the school. Potential candidates have the opportunity to tour and shadow the school to help determine if St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is the best fit for your family.
Registration Fee
A non-refundable registration fee of $450.00 for each student is due and payable upon registration; students will not be considered registered until the registration fee is paid in full. This fee helps offset the costs of instructional materials, diocesan student charges, testing, building maintenance, student insurance, and Parent Booster Club.
2024-2025 Registration Fee Breakdown
Instructional Materials/Technology Licenses: $220.00
Student Diocesan Fee: $90.00
FACTS/Testing Fees $60.00
Building Maintenance: $50.00
Student Insurance: $5.00
Parent Booster Club Fee: $25.00
TOTAL per student = $450.00

Tuition Fees
Active Parishioner Tuition Rate
1 Child in School – $5,670
2 Children in School – $10,773
3 Children in School – $15,309
Standard Tuition Rate
1 Child in School – $6,804
2 Children in School – $12,928
3 Children in School – $18,371
Updated: May 2024
Other Enrollment Requirements
Families agree to fulfill the following additional commitments:
- Participation in the annual school fundraisers, jog-a-thon and auction.
- A minimum of 30 Parent Hours per family
- A minimum of $100 profit through Scrip purchases
Get In Touch
9539 Racquet Court
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 684-7903
Mrs. Lori Brett
[email protected]
School Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:45am - 3:30 pm